Advantages of using the JawJacker
It’s only 16 1/4 inches long, 3 inches wide and 3 inches high folded up. You can adjust the Jawjacker to fit the length of your ice fishing rod, how sensitive you want the trigger to be, and how hard you want to set the hook. The Jawjacker was designed to fit most ice fishing rods. Your ice fishing rods should work with the Jawjacker as long as they are stiff enough to set the hook.
The Jawjacker will set the hook on bites you didn’t even know you were getting before on your set rods. The trigger is very sensitive and can sense light bites. The Jawjacker even works well on Kokanee salmon, which are some of the lightest biting fish there are.
The Jawjacker does it for you. The sound the Jawjacker makes when it goes off will tell you when a fish bites, and you can also put a bell on your rod if you want. This means you can take a lunch break, go talk with your buddies, or just relax in your camp chair, and still catch fish.
This is especially helpful when fishing is slow. You don’t have to keep wondering if the fish are biting better “over there”, you can set up a jawjacker “over there,” and find out.
The Jawjacker hooks fish before they swallow the hook. I’ve seen lots of gut or gill hooked fish go belly up because the hook wasn’t set quick enough. This is fine if you want to keep every fish you catch, but more and more anglers are keeping only a few nice fish to eat out of the many that they catch or completely practicing catch and release. The gut or gill hook percentage with the Jawjacker is between 1-2 %. This low percentage allows lots of fish to survive getting caught so they can live on to fight another day.
Here in Idaho we can use 5 rods to ice fish with. If I want to jig, I’ll jig one hole and set Jawjackers up on the rest. That way I can concentrate on jigging and let the Jawjackers watch the other rods for me so I don’t miss bites.